Principles of Biblical Entrepreneruship I (BE I) Course Outline and Syllabus Nehemiah Project International Ministries [email protected] | (877) 916-1180


“For the kindgom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them.” — Matthew 25:14


The Nehemiah Biblical Entrepreneurship Certificate Program is a comprehensive entrepreneurship training program that will transform your life and business through God’s Word. The program is taught in three courses: Principles of Biblical Entrepreneurship (BE I), Practices of Biblical Entrepreneurship (BE II) and Planning a Biblically-based Business (BE III). The clear, concise and practical principles have immediate ‘take home’ value that can impact business quickly. The program is a transformational tool that challenges existing business paradigms and grouds students in the Biblical truth about business. The courses help new entrepreneurs and existing business owners alike fulfill God’s plan for their lives through business. Over 7000 students worldwide have benefited from the transforming power of God’s Word through Biblical Entrepreneurship.


Purpose: To transform the hearts and minds of business owners and individuals who desire to start and operate a business using biblical truths.


Objectives: By the end of the course (BE I), individuals will be able to:

  1. Find strength through scriptures to overcome business challenges, pitfalls, and wilderness experiences.
  2. Recognize breakthrough principles in the Bible for identifying opportuntities, solving problems, managing risk, maximizing profitability and more.
  3. Use their God given strengths to gain biblical profit.
  4. Enhance an existing business or start a new busines using biblical tools.
  5. Network with other high potential kingdom entrepreneurs in the marketplace.



  1. Introduction to Biblical Entrepreneurship
  1. The 12 Principles of God’s Economy
  2. What is Biblical Entrepreneurship?
  3. The Difference between Biblical and Secular Entrepreneurship
  4. The 5 Biblical Entrepreneurship Principles
  5. An Example of a Biblical Entrepreneur


  1. Biblical Entrepreneurship Attitude
  1. The Attitude of a Biblical Entrepreneur
  2. An example of the Difference between Attitude and Altitude
  3. The Attitude of a BE
  4. Developing a Biblical Entrepreneurship Attitude
  5. The Rewards of Having a Biblical Entrepreneurship Attitude


III.       Biblical Entrepreneurship Characteristics

  1. What is Character?
  2. How to Identify a Money Changer
  3. The Characteristics of a BE
  4. How to Develop BE Characteristics



  1. How to Identify Opportunities
  1. What are Opportunities?
  2. How Do You Identify Opportunities?
  3. Key Facts about Opportunities


  1. How to Take Calculated Risks
  1. What are Calculated Risks?
  2. How to Take Calculated Risks
  3. Two Things that Hinder People from Taking Calculated Risks
  4. Biblical Entrepreneurship Advantage


  1. How to Solve Problems
  1. What is Problem Solving?
  2. Biblical Entrepreneurship Problems
  3. How to Solve Problems


VII.     Understanding Biblical Stewardship

  1. What is Business Stewardship?
  2. God’s Plan for Business
  3. Pros and Cons of Being a Business Steward
  4. Business Stewardship versus Ownership
  5. Biblical Examples of Business Stewards


VIII.    Understanding Biblical Profit

  1. What is Biblical Profit
  2. Godly Profit Versus Worldly Profit
  3. Types of Ungodly Profit
  4. The Dangers of Ungodly Profit
  5. How to Profit Biblically
  6. The Purpose of Profit


  1. Biblical Entrepreneurship Goals and Responsibilities
  1. The Goals and Responsibilities of a Biblical Entrepreneur
  2. Biblical Entrepreneurship Responsibilities
  3. How to Set Goals from a Biblical Perspective


  1. Closing Comments


XI.       BE Evaluations

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